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ArgoCD for K8s webinar
On demand Webinar

AWS Graviton 101: How to migrate your EKS Applications

If you're thinking about migrating your applications to run on Graviton, or you're currently in the process, watch our on demand webinar and learn how to do it, with less effort.

58 Min

Webinar: Graviton 101

The Panel

David Connack

Senior DevOps Engineer, Opsfleet

Sergey Kurson

Solutions Architect, AWS

Assaf Yacobi

VP of DevOps Delivery, Opsfleet

This webinar is best for:

  • CTOs, DevOps or Infrastructure Team Leads looking to upgrade their compute infrastructure
  • Existing AWS customers keen on harnessing the power of Graviton

What You'll learn:

In this webinar, our seasoned experts will provide a high level overview of the migration process, share valuable insights and best practices gleaned from real-world customer scenarios.

Doesn't matter where you are on your Graviton journey, this session will equip you with the knowledge and tools to understand more about Graviton and how to seamlessly transition.

We'll discuss:

In this webinar, our seasoned experts will provide a high level overview of the migration process, share valuable insights and best practices gleaned from real-world customer scenarios.

  • Introduction to Graviton technology

  • Step-by-step migration guide

  • Leveraging containers on Graviton

  • Navigating the build process

  • Integrating Graviton with Amazon EKS

  • Real-world success story

  • Proven tips and recommendations

  • Q&A session

Webinar: ArgoCD for K8s